
Friday, October 23, 2009

Whats the deal

So being an internet based company... trying to manage all our online accounts is becoming a bit of a mission. I mean there's updates to be made, people to befriend, blogs to finish, tweets to complete and status' to declare. Its all a bit fanatical... I don't know about anyone else, but we are quite fascinated with all this and we really want to push the button and see how far Sugar Rush can go if we completely put ourselves out there!

Now one thing about running a website is that you NEED an internet connection. And for some odd reason Telkom have decided to ignore the fact that we have been disconnected from the rest of the world for the last 5 days because of problems with the exchange... UNACCEPTABLE! Everyone else in Ballito have had there problems fixed and we seem to be last on the list... if we are even on the list at all! Sorry if this is beginning to sound like a bitching session but I just have to get it off my chest.
A bit of good stuff for the followers out there, we are live and I think we have ironed out all the bugs that have been haunting us for the last couple weeks. It looks good, but I think we will only find out once we get some feedback from people visiting the site for the first time. SO VISIT THE SITE
As a new business what we have got to do now is manage our existing clients expectations with great integrity as as well as gain some new clients perspectives. I think I must mention that we are also promoting Sugar Rush as a marketing/ advertising/ creative ideas/ bring us in and we'll make you famous consultancy slash agency and have officially landed Holla Trails as a client. This I think is going to be big and we here at Sugar Rush are bloody excited!

How often is this blog going to be updated - at the moment... once a week. But we are looking to bring that down to at least every 2 days and then eventually give you something entertaining an informative to read every day!

Remember the sweet taste of adventure is created with Sugar Rush

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